Pilbara Kelpies

Established in 2013, Pilbara Working Dogs have come along way in the years since,

Pilbara Pups

We are no longer breeding kelpies at this time.

Pilbara Guardian Dogs

Maremmas and Anatolian Shepherds working together as livestock guardians.

 About Us

Pilbara Working Dogs are a team of hard working Australian Kelpies helping manage a cattle station in the South West Pilbara of Western Australia.

Muster Dogs

Aticia 'Teesh' Grey took on the manager's role on her family's West Pilbara cattle station a few years after picking up her first team of kelpies. Almost immediately she was faced with a severe and devastating drought that forced her to question everything she thought she knew about the fragile country of her home.


Meet Aticia

Aticia grew up from the age of five on the family's cattle station in the far south-west Pilbara, and after attending boarding school for the required years, returned home to work on the land alongside her parents and brother. Twenty-seven years later, she is still there with her partner, Adam, and mother, Susan, managing the property with a tireless team of kelpies, and practising her rain dance.

Whenever she gets a chance outside station work, she is taking photos of her dogs, organising new homes nationally and internationally for her pups, reading anything in fiction she can get her hands on and cooking something up in the kitchen.


I just wanted to say thanks for being here! I really hope you enjoy our story and getting a glimpse of our life as you explore our website. To see more feel free to check us out on social media.

Cheers Aticia

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